IGNITE the Capitol (April 2023, Sacramento)

In late 2022, our founders, Esther Lau and Fiona Lu, wrote and proposed California Senate Bill 260, the Menstrual Equity Act of 2023, into the California Legislature that would expand CalWORKs benefits to cover the purchasing of menstrual products.

In advocating for SB 260, Fiona and Esther noticed the gap in young people involved in organizing for economic justice legislation. Our proposal is to create WWAD as an extension of SB 260 to involve more youth in similar work to pioneer justice for low-income communities not only in California, but across the nation.

Allstate Foundation National Youth Service Summit (Sept 2024, Chicago)

  • WWAD aims to engage youth in basic needs, expanding the social safety net, and broader economic justice advocacy.

  • We will empower young people to share their own experiences to stand up for justice and minimize the barriers there are for marginalized youth to be engaged in legislative change.

  • We envision a future where everyone has access to basic needs and economic stability, therefore being able fulfill their goals and aspirations to the fullest.

our mission


What We All Deserve (WWAD) is a team of young people across the U.S. working to expand basic needs and economic liberation for all. Read on to meet some of our wonderful and passionate youth organizers!

  • Co-Founder & Co-Executive Director

    Esther Lau (she/her) is originally from the Bay Area, CA and now a student at Barnard College in New York City, she’s passionate about economic justice policy, urban social policy, and youth-led policymaking and social impact. Through WWAD, she hopes to continue pushing basic needs policies through state legislatures, while making policy advocacy more accessible to youth.

  • Co-Founder & Co-Executive Director

    Fiona Lu is a student at the University of California, Los Angeles studying Public Affairs and Labor Studies. She is from Orange County, California. She's been involved with California youth policy advocacy since her junior year of high school, and has led campaigns in education policy, menstrual equity, and healthcare expansion. She started WWAD in hopes of igniting a movement of young people across the country to secure basic needs and economic justice. She believes it’s crucial for young people to be proactively involved with public institutions, and that starts with showing them the potential they have. Outside of advocacy, she has worked for the House of Representatives, Center for Law and Social Policy, and the Crimsonbridge Foundation.

  • California Policy Manager

    Elizabeth is an undergraduate student at the University of California, Los Angeles where she double-majors in Political Science and Public Affairs. She believes that policy change begins with understanding and works to elevate advocacy through legislative action. As a leader in the political space, she focuses on creating equitable access to education and empowering youth voices. Pursuing a career in constitutional law and international relations, she is dedicated to addressing systemic inequities and driving impactful change nationwide.

  • Texas Policy Director

    Isadora Paul is a passionate and driven student pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Philanthropy at The University of Texas at Arlington, with minors in Spanish Linguistics and ASL and Deaf Studies. She has demonstrated a commitment to civic engagement, youth advocacy, and community development through various leadership roles and professional experiences.

    Isadora aspires to become a well-rounded public servant, aiming to contribute meaningfully in fields such as law, public administration, or the private sector. Her dedication to service and impact has earned her numerous honors, including recognition as a National Ambassador for the National Council for Mental Wellbeing and the UTA Community Impact Award.

    Fluent in Spanish and ASL, with strong skills in research, advocacy, and program coordination, Isadora actively seeks opportunities to empower others, foster equity, and promote youth-focused policies.

  • Projects Director

    Raksha Jayakumar is a senior at Marcus High School in North Texas. She is interested in pursuing journalism in order to amplify small voices and contribute different perspectives. She is passionate about menstrual equity and advocacy, working with a nonprofit called She Supply to supply women and schools with period products. In her downtime, she loves binging Gilmore Girls, eating chocolate, and playing with her dog.

  • California Policy Manager

    Supriya Patel is a first-year at Stanford University, where she studies political science. She is a passionate activist who believes that policy has the power to change the world. Supriya has organized for economic, climate, and racial justice on the local and international levels. As a high school student, she represented more than 600,000 constituents as Vice Chair of Sacramento County’s Climate Task Force. Additionally, she currently serves as Policy Director at Youth For Earth and a State Coordinator at California Youth Vs. Big Oil. When she’s not involved in advocacy, she loves to read and spend time outdoors.

  • California Policy Manager

    Ella Kligman is a healthcare policy advocate focused on mental health and women's health legislation in California, contributing to bills expanding mental health access for K-12 students. She also founded HealthTech Unveiled, a newsletter spotlighting innovative healthcare solutions and venture opportunities.

  • California Policy Manager

    Kate Landeros is a senior at Beaumont High School in Southern California, actively involved in student leadership as her school district’s student board member and in youth-led organizations advocating for policy change in California. Committed to making a difference, she focuses on achieving societal impact through small, meaningful steps that lead to long-lasting transformation. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and listening to music.

  • Chief of Staff

    Sophie Himmel is a graduate of Lafayette College with a degree in Government and Law and a minor in Religious Studies, with honors. An experienced public health advocate and educator, Sophie led a staff of volunteers to implement menstrual equity policy at Lafayette that cemented the College as the first in the nation to provide free menstrual products in every college building. Her passion for basic needs provision is rooted in the simple idea that a rising tide lifts all ships. In her spare time, Sophie is a yoga instructor and amateur baker.

  • California Policy Director

    Allison Cho is a Senior at John A Rowland High School, passionate about advancing food equity and reproductive justice. Her advocacy efforts are evident in her founding role of YouthForEarth, a coalition dedicated to promoting environmental literacy. Allison is also actively involved in local and state-level activism, advocating for policies that tackle systemic inequalities and empower marginalized communities. Her work reflects a dedication to creating a more just and sustainable future.

  • Texas Policy Director

    Annika is a junior at Dulles High School in Sugar Land, Texas, passionate about advancing menstrual equity and reproductive rights. She has led successful campaigns to install free menstrual product dispensers in schools and has helped distribute over 150,000 menstrual products to communities in need. She is also a member of PERIOD.'s Youth Advisory Council and is enthusiastic about the impactful work WWAD has achieved and looks forward to contributing to Texas's policy initiatives this year. Annika aspires to pursue a career at the intersection of healthcare and policy.

  • Social Media Director

    Emily Oh is a first-year student at Irvine Valley College pursuing a career in healthcare. Passionate about addressing social determinants of health, she advocates for equitable healthcare access as an ambassador for the Youth Health Equity +  Safety (YHES) Act, promoting condom availability programs and comprehensive sex education in California high schools. She leverages social media to raise awareness and inspire collective action in pursuing equitable outcomes.

  • California Policy Director

    Martín Orea is a dedicated student at Santa Monica College, pursuing a degree in Public Policy and Political Science. With a strong background in advocacy and mobilization, he is deeply passionate about sexual and reproductive health and committed to promoting policies that enhance the social safety net. Actively involved in coalitions and advisory boards, Martín aims to amplify youth voices and experiences in the policymaking process, ensuring that their perspectives are heard and valued.

  • California Policy Manager

    Sriya Srinivasan is a Rising Dual-Enrolled Junior in High School attending Solano Community College where she is the Student Trustee and Founder-President of SCC’s Reproductive Health Club (RHC). As a proponent of public health policy, she is the Sponsor of state legislation, AB 2229 (the Know Your Period bill) advocating for comprehensive menstrual education in all California schools-which passed unanimously in the CA legislature. Additionally, Sriya educates communities, primarily youth, to prioritize health and wellness through nutrition and movement. In the future, Sriya hopes to pursue a career in politics.

  • New York Policy Director

    Thai Loyd is a junior at Columbia University majoring in Political Science. Born and raised in Bloomington, Minnesota, he has experience in legislative advocacy through internships with OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates and the Human Rights Campaign. Thai was a Critical Language Scholar in Indonesia and has worked on economic policy at the White House and the Office of House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

what we all deserve

what we all deserve